Category Archives: words of encouragement and upliftment

“The biggest disability we often face (and live with) is the limitation(s) we place on ourselves, so rather think ability”

“The biggest disability we often face (and live with) is the limitation(s) we place on ourselves, so rather think ability” from  and You can, if you think you can! “It’s not who we are that holds us back, it’s … Continue reading

Posted in inspirational thoughts, words of encouragement and upliftment | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Fatigue After Brain Injury “There is always a way around a problem, any problem” “Do not let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you CAN do…best.” “Where there’s hope, there is light.” from

Posted in brain injury, brain injury effects, chronic fatigue, closed head injury, cognitve effects, concussion, effects of head injury, effects of TBI, fatigue, Head (brain injury), head injury, head injury and fatigue, head injury effects, words of encouragement and upliftment | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

“Here was a light behind the despair, beyond the darkness. At first a flicker of an ember, just a tiny pin-prick of dawning possibilities…”

“Here was a light behind the despair, beyond the darkness. At first a flicker of an ember, just a tiny pin-prick of dawning possibilities…” from and

Posted in hope, inspirational quotes, inspirational thoughts, words of encouragement and upliftment | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

“ You have to accept whatever comes, and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give. ”

“ You have to accept whatever comes, and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give. ” — Eleanor Roosevelt Picture from and my brand new book at

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“I no longer measure the worth of my life or that of others by standards such as money or appearance or even by usefulness to society. I believe that all life is worthy of respect and is precious…”

“I no longer measure the worth of my life or that of others by standards such as money or appearance or even by usefulness to society. I believe that all life is worthy of respect and is precious. I no … Continue reading

Posted in inspirational thoughts, words of encouragement and upliftment | Tagged , | 1 Comment

“It always seems impossible, until it gets done.”

“It always seems impossible, until it gets done.” – Nelson Mandela from

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“Just because a brain has been damaged, does NOT necessarily have to affect the human mind…and so the quality and height of our thoughts!”

“Just because a brain has been damaged, does NOT necessarily have to affect the human mind…and so the quality and height of our thoughts!” – c

Posted in hope, inspirational thoughts, words of encouragement and upliftment | 2 Comments

“For me true success may be measured by the fortitude, with which so many ordinary people around the globe overcome numerous seemingly insurmountable obstacles through sheer force of character and indomitable spirit. They rise above the severest adversity down the often rocky journey of life. Unheralded, yet with an unquenchable and infinite generosity of human spirit, these are lives of greatness and souls who are the true heroes of this world.” from and

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“Just because a brain has been damaged, does NOT necessarily have to affect the human mind…and so the quality and height of our thoughts!”

Originally posted on Sharing some Information and Thoughts on Head and Brain Injury:
“Just because a brain has been damaged, does NOT necessarily have to affect the human mind…and so the quality and height of our thoughts!” “Just because a…

Posted in hope, inspirational quotes, inspirational thoughts, words of encouragement and empowerment, words of encouragement and upliftment | 2 Comments

Just Do your Best (even if no-one else understands what you may be going through)

“It’s times like these I sit here and am grateful I have been through hardship, heartbreak and turmoil because I can stand here today and thank God for the person I have become. A strong, independent woman who if she … Continue reading

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