Category Archives: traumatic brain injury (TBI)

“Just because a brain has been damaged, does NOT necessarily have to affect the human mind…and so the quality and height of our thoughts!”

“Just because a brain has been damaged, does NOT necessarily have to affect the human mind…and so the quality and height of our thoughts!”– craig

Posted in brain injury, head injury, living with head injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI), words of encouragement and empowerment, words of encouragement and upliftment | 2 Comments

How Does a Severe Brain Injury Affect the Individual

Originally posted on Living With Head (Brain) Injury:
How Does a Severe Brain Injury Affect the Individual

Posted in effects of head injury, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Leave a comment


A SHORT EXTRACT FROM MY BOOK ‘STIRLING’ THE FLICKERING cine film has all the compulsive horror of the footage of the John F. Kennedy assassination. In a sickening blur of speed, the Walker Lotus 18/21 racing car leaves the track … Continue reading

Posted in books by craig lock, brain injury survivors, effects of head injury, head injury, Stirling, Stirling by craig lock, Stirling Moss, survivors, TBI, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

How does a severe brain injury affect the individual?

How does a severe brain injury affect the individual?     How does a severe brain injury affect the individual? A severe brain injury produces physiological, cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioural changes. Some individuals develop medical problems related to specific … Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, brain injury survivors, effects of head injury, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Second Chance to Live Sharing Hope in the Face of Adversity — One Piece at a Time

Second Chance to Live Sharing Hope in the Face of Adversity — One Piece at a Time Read about Craig Phillips’s inspiring story Also click on

Posted in brain injury, brain injury survivors, closed head injury, head injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Snowboarder Back from the Dead

Snowboarder Back from the Dead By Scott Kara @scottkara 5:30 AM Saturday Jul 20, 2013 From ✩Save Like on Facebook13 Tweet on Twitter3 Post on LinkedIn0 +1 on Google+0 Pin on Pinterest0 Snowboarder Kevin Pearce with brother David at this year’s … Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, brain injury survivors, closed head injury, inspirational stories, stories of courage and hope, survivors, TBI, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Quick Video for Brain Injury Survivors

“We who have had a traumatic brain injury are as human as everybody else The difference is that we have had a permanent change in our lifestyle and  we have to accept it , because there is no cure. We … Continue reading

Posted in Head (brain injury), head injury, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Tagged , , | 1 Comment