Category Archives: Craig’s books

Golden Dawn (a new book)


From: STIRLING MOSS: The Authorised Biography by Robert Edwards (Published by Cassell & Co, UK)

Stirling Moss was in a coma for 38 days in Atkinson Morley Hospital, London
And many people throughout the world prayed for the star driver’s healing… a collective appeal to Christ. Perhaps one of them was even a concerned young boy in Clovelly, Cape Town, South Africa.
Moss’s inability to speak was confusing, although the physical injuries were more familiar.
He did not immediately notice that he was effectively paralysed. The physical damage to the left side of his body was made worse by the fact he could not move it, the massive bruising his brain had received had to heal first. This would be frustrating to say the least, particularly since the extent of his injuries were not initially revealed to him. The patient assumed that he could not move because he was injured, rather than because his brain would simply not allow it. His friend, David Haynes finally revealed the truth; although it depressed Stirling, it also caused him to fight his condition harder, initially to no avail.
The neurology department closely monitored his progress. And these are the words of one occupational therapist:
“We didn’t know very much about motor racing, of course; but none of us really thought he would ever drive again – he had been so very badly hurt, but he tried so hard.”
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Posted in brain injury, brain injury survivors, Craig's books, Head (brain injury), hope, My Story, Stirling by craig lock, Stirling Moss, writers and brain injury, writers and head injury | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

You look fine, BUT…

then “Who Wants to be Normal Anyway!”

Posted in "Who Wants to be Normal Anyway!", autobiography, books on brain/head injury, brain injury, Craig's books, head injury | Tagged , , | 17 Comments

I find it very difficult telling any story (or even a joke!), and especially my story (and anyway few would believe it!… so I wrote a book about it!

Picture: A writer (of the future) with his boyhood hero, Stirling Moss at East London, South Africa in Dec 1962 I find it very difficult telling any story (or even a joke!), and especially my story (and anyway, few would … Continue reading

Posted in autobiography, brain injury, Craig's books, My Dream | Tagged , , | 21 Comments


A SHORT EXTRACT FROM MY BOOK ‘STIRLING’ THE FLICKERING cine film has all the compulsive horror of the footage of the John F. Kennedy assassination. In a sickening blur of speed, the Walker Lotus 18/21 racing car leaves the track … Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, Craig's books, head injury, Stirling | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 29 Comments