Category Archives: brain injury effects

Fatigue After Brain Injury “There is always a way around a problem, any problem” “Do not let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you CAN do…best.” “Where there’s hope, there is light.” from

Posted in brain injury, brain injury effects, chronic fatigue, closed head injury, cognitve effects, concussion, effects of head injury, effects of TBI, fatigue, Head (brain injury), head injury, head injury and fatigue, head injury effects, words of encouragement and upliftment | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Fatigue After Brain Injury

BrainLine sat down with Dr. Nathan Zasler to talk about the issues of fatigue after a traumatic brain injury. “My chronic fatigue… has shaped most of my life” from and the paperback version at Also see reading

Posted in brain injury, brain injury effects, chronic fatigue, cognitve effects, head injury and fatigue | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Understanding Brain Injuries With understanding comes acceptance… then all (patients, family and carers/support) can move forward on the at times very difficult long journey of hope that is life” “Do not let what you (we) can’t do stop you from doing what … Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, brain injury effects, cognitive difficulties, effects of head injury, Head (brain injury), head injury, head injury and fatigue | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Effects of brain injury

Posted in brain injury, brain injury effects, cognitive difficulties, cognitive difficulties/problems, cognitve effects, Head (brain injury), head injury effects, Headway, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Cognitive Problems after Traumatic Brain Injury

  Cognitive Problems after Traumatic Brain Injury from Based on Research by TBI Model Systems What is cognition? Cognition is the act of knowing or thinking. It includes the ability to choose, understand, remember and use information. Cognition includes: Attention … Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, brain injury effects, cognitive difficulties, cognitive difficulties/problems, cognitive effects, cognitive effects of brain injury, cognitive effects of TBI, cognitve effects, effects of head injury, Head (brain injury), head injury, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2,204 Comments