Monthly Archives: August 2014

An Open Book 3: My Story

Here’s a short extract… PROLOGUE I came across this fine bit of writing, which I could closely relate to in those dark days in -. Diana’s words describe my feelings better than I could myself… so here they are… “People … Continue reading

Posted in autobiography, books by craig lock, Craig's books, craig's new books | Tagged , , , | 57 Comments

“I have fought a hard battle, given it my best, and won far more that I or anyone else ever thought I would. I ask only that other brain damaged people be given the chance to fight their battles too, and to find out for themselves what their unique potential is.”

Originally posted on Living With Head (Brain) Injury:
“I have fought a hard battle, given it my best, and won far more that I or anyone else ever thought I would. I ask only that other brain damaged people be…

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