Monthly Archives: May 2014

How Does a Severe Brain Injury Affect the Individual?

Aging with a brain injury will affect every aspect of the person’s life and their ability to maintain their independence. How does a severe brain injury affect the individual?A severe brain injury produces physiological, cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioural changes. … Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, effects of head injury, effects of TBI, head injury, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) | Tagged , | 11 Comments

Some Cognitive Effects of Head Injury

“Compare it (your head) to a jelly in a bowl. The bowl is the skull – a strong, protective container – and the jelly (the brain) is nestled within. The skull is able to withstand many types of blows; but the brain is vulnerable to sudden swirling or rotating movements. Shake the bowl and see what happens to the jelly.”
– Dr Don Mackie, Emergency Specialist(in New Zealand)

This extract (in note form) is from a chapter from my manuscript titled MY STORY, MY DREAM available at and as an e-book at

Also LIVING WITH HEAD (BRAIN) INJURY (from ‘MY STORY’) * [Kindle Edition

and his latest Who Wants to be Normal Anyway Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, cognitive difficulties, cognitive difficulties/problems, effects of head injury | Tagged , , , , , | 10 Comments