Monthly Archives: October 2013

Lost & Found: What Brain Injury Survivors Want You to Know

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Aging After Brain Injury: BrainLine Talks with Dr. Steven Flanagan

Aging After Brain Injury: BrainLine Talks with Dr. Steven Flanagan Aging After Brain Injury: BrainLine Talks with Dr. Steven Flanagan Comments [14] Victoria Tilney McDonough, BrainLine MULTIMEDIA  Planning Your Estate  BrainLine Talks with Dr. Jeffrey Kreutzer and Dr. Taryn Stejskal … Continue reading

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Back to the Beginning: Short Note about Brain Overload (posted Sept. 30, 2008)

Originally posted on The Fight of My Life:
With a Brain Injury comes lessened stamina, fatigue, and well, it’s just easy to overdo it. In Brain Injury support group, we talk about having a ‘brain budget’. Prior to our injuries,…

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“How far you go…

Originally posted on Beyond the Zone: God and The Spiritual Journey:
  How far you go in life depends on your being – tender with the young – compassionate with the aged – sympathetic with the striving – tolerant with…

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‘RUNNING ON EMPTY’: Living with Head Injury: What It Feels Like to Have A Head Injury?

There are many misconceptions and a great lack of understanding about this condition, so here is some general information that I hope may be able to help others.
Extreme fatigue. This is my area of greatest difficulty and has shaped my entire adult life (from age 15). I wake up every morning feeling very tired and washed-out. Heavy -headed…and have felt like this all my life. So I do my most demanding “work” involving thinking early in the morning and structure my day around this. I am typing this at 5.45 am. (my “best time of the day”)
Apparently neurosurgeons say that the effects of fatigue can prevent many highly-intelligent head-injured people from functioning fully in the formal work force. Doctors don’t even understand… so how can employers be expected to? Many people assume head injured people to be simply lazy, whereas they are just conserving energy (well how else could they avoid making judgments, when people with head injuries look so normal). That’s why it’s often referred to as “the hidden handicap”.
I get very easily muddled- so break little tasks down. Often wonder what to do with two pieces of paper in my hand. Even putting one piece of paper away, then doing the next. Continue reading

Posted in autobiography, Head (brain injury), living with head injury | Tagged , , , , , , | 13 Comments

“The Hidden Handicap – the Silent Epidemic”

Subnitter’s Note

The following piece is from information that I’ve researched and collected over the past twenty-five years. Some of the writings are words from my own experiences and much material from sources unknown (some of which has been re-written and re-phrased by me). I am sharing this information in the spirit of promoting greater awareness of head (or brain) injury, as well as helping and hopefully encouraging “victims of the hidden ‘handicap’” to realise their full potentials and be all that they are capable of achieving, being and becoming.
Craig Lock
October 2005

Some introductory comments re the title of this article

* because it can’t be seen and brain /head damaged people look perfectly “normal” (what’s that!).

NB: NO, I don’t necessarily see it, this label as a ‘handicap’, but rather as an opportunity for personal growth.

Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed* of an equal or greater benefit.” Continue reading

Posted in brain injury, effects of head injury, Head (brain injury), head injury | Tagged , , , | 497 Comments

Running on Empty: Living with Long-Term Brain (Head) Injury

Head injury has become a common problem throughout the world. Many of the more severe injuries are related to road traffic and horse riding accidents. As an example, in Great Britain about 15 patients every hour are admitted to hospital for observation, because of head injury and every 2 hours one of these will die. Head injury is implicated in 1 of all deaths and 50% OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT DEATHS. Head injury is particularly prevalent in the age group between 10 and 25. CONCUSSION has occurred, whenever patients cannot remember the actual blow that made them unconscious.


WILLIAM FAIRBANKS Interview with Kathryn Ryan on National Radio (4th Feb 2010)


“There is excellent medical care immediately post-trauma. However, there is little follow-up after the initial trauma. Every day I have to come to terms with my brain injury, to learn. I don’t handle interruptions. It’s like being in a movie. Each person with a brain injury is different…and is affected in different ways. I do one thing at a time – break into little tasks. I really live in the present. No-one ever explained to me how to cope, how to deal with everyday living. I had to learn strategies for myself.

Difficulties in ‘making connections’:

I can only handle “one-on-one” situations. I can’t hold two thoughts in my mind at the same time. A ringing phone will interrupt my thought and sequence. I easily lose the ‘flow’ of the task I was engaged in. Then I have difficulty wondering what to do next! I have to clear clutter to simplify my life. Get easily ‘thrown’ Head injured people are often self absorbed. (Probably helps them cope with life through focussing??)

NB Everyone with a head injury is affected differently.

No-one can understand my problems, because I appear to be a lucid, intelligent man. I’m fine here now doing ONE thing. Continue reading

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from Magnificent East Coast sunrise by Ngaio Keelan in the “scenic and tranquil little haven” that is New Zealand (or ‘Godzone’, as it is often affectionately known) Credit:

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“Mum has told m…

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